
Moving Day Meals

Here are some great ideas to feed your family, the neighbors, the movers and anyone else that has helped you throughout your busy day! They can be made ahead of time and just heated up in a crock pot the day of the move.
Walter’s Really Easy Chili

1 pound (454 grams) ground beef or chicken
½ - one onion, chopped
1/2 tsp. (2 ml) garlic powder or 1 – 2 crushed cloves garlic
1 tin tomato soup
1 Tbsp. Vinegar
½ - 1 tin baked beans
½ - 1 tin kidney beans
1 – 2 tbsp. (15 – 30 ml) chili powder or Tex Mex seasoning
1/2 cup (125 ml) sliced mushrooms/peppers/celery/carrot - optional
½ tin kernel corn - optional

Brown the ground beef in a fry pan until there is no red left in the meat over medium heat. This will take about 10 minutes Add onions and garlic to the meat and continue cooking til onions are soft and transparent. If using any other vegetables, they can be added at this time also.
Add the chili powder, tomato soup, and other beans and cook over medium heat until hot.
You can simmer the chili on low for longer to further thicken and blend the flavors but this is not required.
Transfer into a crock pot and leave on lowest setting for up to 6 hours.

Easy Chili you can make

It is so easy you can make it in 15 minutes.

1 bottle of Red Curry Sauce
2 tins coconut milk
1 tin mushroom soup
2 – 4 cups chicken broth
2 – 4 cups frozen Thai vegetables
1 – 2 packages Udon noodles
1 – 2 boneless chicken breasts
Olive oil

Cut the chicken into small cubes and brown in a little olive oil until the meat is no longer pink.
I use the crock pot but you could use any large pot. Put all the ingredients in the pot including the cooked chicken and simmer until flavours are blended. You can leave the crock pot plugged in for hours and the soup is still great!



if you would like to schedule a move, contact us today. Quotes are always free and customized to your specific needs!