
Getting your yard Cleanes up before your mover:

A clean well groomed yard can help sell your home. Here are a few tips on what you can do before your move.

General winter debris and sand removal from lawn and boulevards.
Remove leaves, dead plant material, garbage etc. from beds and gardens.
Cultivate flower beds and gardens.
Power Rake (de-thatch) front and back lawn.
Power Vacuum front and back lawn.
Power Edge around walks and drives.
Trim around beds and gardens.
First mowing of front and back lawn.
Deep Core Lawn Aeration of front and back lawn.
Remove all Waste from site (it all gets recycled).

Moving with Pets:

Before moving your pet, take note of these reminders:

  • Schedule an exam by a veterinarian
  • Your veterinarian may suggest a tranquilizer or other precautionary measure
  • Obtain copies of your pet's health and vaccination records and update identification tags
  • If you are going to travel by air, get in touch with the airline in advance to check regulations and services and to make reservations. Book a weekday flight when there tends to be more cargo room. Also, try to book a direct flight to reduce your pet's confinement time. Select a portable air-transport kennel which is large enough for your pet to stand and move around. Most airlines sell or rent these special carriers. Get your pet accustomed to the kennel in advance of the trip. Mark the container "Live Animal," and affix a label that includes your pet's name, new address, phone number and special handling instructions.
    If you are traveling by car, acquaint your pet with car travel by taking it for short drives around the neighborhood. Do not feed your pet several hours prior to your trip. However, pack a canteen of fresh, cool water and stop frequently for drinks and walks. If you are staying overnight at a hotel, make sure pets are welcome beforehand.
    Birds and small pets such as hamsters can travel by car in their cages, provided the cage is stable, properly ventilated and protected from drafts. Covering the cage may help keep your pet calm.
    Finally, never leave an animal unattended in a car. Even in moderately warm weather, the temperature inside a car can reach 120 degrees in just a few minutes. Conversely, in winter months, the temperature in a car can drop well below freezing.


    if you would like to schedule a move, contact us today. Quotes are always free and customized to your specific needs!