
Summer Moving Checklist: There are lots of things to do before moving into your new home. Below are just a few things to consider before your move occurs.

Summer-Cleaning – This is usually called spring cleaning but if you never got around to it in the spring then now is the time to do it especially when you are about to move. There’s nothing worse then lugging things with you to a new home that were best left at the curb for donation or trash. Take this time to really comb through the things that need to go and start carting them off or piling them up for donation or sale.

Professional Organizer – Is the task of cleaning and divesting yourself of things a bit difficult to wrap your head around? Think about hiring a professional organizer to help objectively go through closets, cabinets, and stuff to help you lighten your load on your upcoming move to a new home. It may be a little investment but the payout will be a big reward as you par down your stuff and de-clutter your new space before you even get there.

Garage Sale – Maybe you have far too much stuff and want to try your luck at having others haul it away. Once you’ve gone through all the things that aren’t making the move, think about having a garage sale. If the effort of a garage sale isn’t up your alley post items on Craigslist or finding local community yard sale groups on Facebook that will take your stuff. Remember one person’s trash can be someone else’s treasure. Try your best to redistribute your stuff before it ends up in a landfill.

Create A Task List – Well before your move is upon you, start making a list of items that need your attention. (You can put summer-cleaning and garage sale at the top of the list.) Other list items may include changing your address. Gone are the days of simply changing it with the post office. Think about all the locations that have your address and all the bills that need to be notified of your change. Don’t forget all your online shopping sites.

Address change is just one of the many items that will make it onto your task list. Next week we’ll help you detail that task list to prepare for your move.


if you would like to schedule a move, contact us today. Quotes are always free and customized to your specific needs!