
Finding a New School when Moving to a New location:

Its now that time of year when fall is quickly approaching and you will want to make sure you have selected a school for your children.  Choosing a new school is an important step. Not only do you want your child to have an excellent education, school is also where new friendships and social groups form, as well as a gateway to hobbies such as sports, or academic clubs.
Public, or Private?
There are advantages and disadvantages to both public and private schools. Factors that may help you decide include:

  • Your child’s learning style
  • Your child’s extracurricular interests (ie. music, sports)
  • Cost of tuition
  • School Facilities
  • Teaching staff

Too much change may be overwhelming for your child. If you and your kids were happy with the school they were previously at, it may be best to choose a similar school in your new city. Changing from a small, private school to a large public one is a dramatic shift and can exacerbate the stress of the move.
First Steps
Once you’ve decided between public or private schools, it’s time to research what your new city offers. When choosing a public school, the best place to start is the provincial school board’s website. By typing in your postal code, you can find the closest schools. In the public school board, you can decide between English public or Catholic, French public or Catholic, and Immersion.
Having your child attend school close to home is often a better option. It will cut down on travel time, as well as increase your child’s safety, and help them find a sense of community with friends and activities close by.
Quality Check
When looking into possible new schools, here are some questions to ask:

  • What kind of curriculum, and extracurricular activities, are offered?
  • Are their after-school programs such as daycare or tutoring available?
  • How long do the teaching staff stay, on average? Is there a high turnover, or lots of senior staff members?
  • Does the school provide meals?
  • How up-to-date is the school’s technology, and technology curriculum?

These are just a few examples. Every child is different, and your child’s unique needs may play a part in choosing a new school.
Choosing a new school for your child, or children, after a move requires a lot of research and care, but once you’ve found the right school, where your child can flourish, you can rest assured knowing you’ve done all in your power to give them a great head start on life.


if you would like to schedule a move, contact us today. Quotes are always free and customized to your specific needs!