
How not to ruin Your Thanksgiving or Holiday Celebration While Moving

What is one of the most common — yet unexpected — questions to ask a moving company? Believe it or not, Canadians ask a fair share of local movers whether it is possible and/or advisable to move during the holidays. The answer is yes. You can move during the holidays, and — with some careful planning and dedication — it doesn’t have to put a damper on your holidays, either. Here are some tips for packing and moving during the holiday season.

Recreate the Joy of the Season Anywhere
If moving happens to coincide with the holidays, don’t let that bring down your holiday spirit. Even if it is not practical to keep holiday decorations easily accessible, it is relatively simple to play your favorite holiday music or watch your favorite holiday movie from just about anywhere. Thanks to the internet, you can rent or purchase just about any movie at any time!
Pack and Move Around Family Gatherings and Other Festivities
The very last thing you want is to have to turn down a holiday party because “I have to pack that night.” Pack ahead whenever possible, and make a list of questions to ask a moving company about the specifics and logistics of moving during the holidays. When exactly will you be moving? What if there is snow? What are their busiest and least busy times?
Have a Backup Plan
Sometimes you just have to move — and ASAP. Relocating for a job, for example, can come up fairly quickly and unexpectedly, and it usually comes with a concrete deadline, too. If it comes to it, have a plan b (or a plan c or d). In other words, if you really cannot find suitable housing during the holidays — consider other, temporary options, like short-term rentals, corporate housing, and more. Don’t let moving with the holidays get you down. Carefully plan, keep things festive, and have a backup plan — just in case.


if you would like to schedule a move, contact us today. Quotes are always free and customized to your specific needs!